After numerous visits to the UK, during Christmas, I've become a wee bit obsessed with Christmas Markets. They embody every good thing I love about this time of year. When I found out we were moving to Colorado one of the first things I Googled was "Colorado Christmas Markets". Naturally. Because that's what you do when you are moving your family to another state. Haha! Whatever. I totally own my weirdness, and am happy we moved, because look at this place! Georgetown is such a luscious, snowy, historic mountain town. Here are a few snaps, of various moments, during the Santa Lucia celebration. I'm really looking forward to making this a family tradition every year.
Connie+Matt | Austin, TX Engagement
I met Connie and Matt, at a favorite cafe, (Elizabeth Street) for some sweets and tea. It was pouring. And it continued to pour the entire shoot. Which sucks for some people, but it was magic for us:) It created so much extra beauty, and texture, and atomsphere. Here are some highlights from our time together...
I love this last image, despite the lens being completely wet and foggy. I cannot believe my camera made it through such a beating! Love these two:)
the Mezas| Austin, TX family sessions
Oh Meza family, how do I love thee, let me count the ways:) This was a really great session because one of my favorite families added a gorgeous, squishy new member, AND I got to shoot most of the session in their home! I chose the rainiest weekend in history to shoot all my sessions so there was a lot of scrambling for locations etc. but, in all honesty, I do not get many chances to shoot in people's homes and it happens to be the most intimate space to capture the heart of a family. The Mezas are warm, open, and down to earth (the best kind of people) and it is obvious they are raising their tribe to be happy, vibrant, curious, and caring individuals. Can we also talk about Stephanie, who is a freaking style guru when it comes to dressing her family and styling her home?! Geeeez. I would love to collaborate with her on a project someday. Anyhowz, here are some of my faves from our time together:)
foraging / colorado
some treasures from my hike the other day.
today in street photography
Avalanche Ranch | Crystal River Valley, CO
Avalanche Ranch. Waking up to river sounds, and coffee on a creaky porch, the wind running through the dandelions, and the hot mineral pools. So much space, so much intimacy. I find a lot of comfort being in a valley, hugged up against the mountains. Everything felt slowed down and lazy. And the local beer. Good grief, Colorado, shtaaap it with your breweries of beauty! I have never loved Summer the way I love Summer in this place.
Crystal River Valley, CO
day sleeping. there is nothing better in the universe.
his feet, my feet. snuggling my boy.
until next time:)
I have moved a lot this last year, and every time I move, my creativity is like, "Imma gonna need to take a hiatus now", leaving me to wade through a dense mind fog for months at a time. It's frustrating and I constantly feel misplaced and lost. On top of that, now that we are on the topic of things that suck, my anxiety disorder loves to flourish in these times of transition and uncertainty. Somedays I am brave enough to punch anxiety in the throat. And some days I just cry and pray. This is why community is so important. The need for community was etched in me, before I was even born, and so my heart is ever searching for my tribe.
I stumbled upon Wonderbound , in my earnest hunt for creative community and inspiration, and I was so happy to find out their rehearsals are open to the public. What a gift! I have always wanted to photograph dancers. Music and movement are an otherworldly combination. So, I got me some balls and forced myself out of the house. Despite feeling lost, despite feeling un-creative, and despite my anxiety. Haha, you lose, sucky feelings!
Here are a few highlights from my time over at Wonderbound...
I found myself smiling a lot as I watched these performers interact with one another. It was such an intimate experience and so lighthearted. These guys have truly found their tribe and it shows.
BoomTown, begins April 17th, for anyone interested in the Denver area. I'm really hoping to make a habit of seeing them perform. It was truly a bright spot in my day and I'm grateful for that.
** Also, I really regret not photographing the band, Chimney Choir. They are my new favorite. Damn, they are just really good.
familia Villarreal
Living near the sea is life giving and I'm so thankful to have been able to shoot my last California session on this wild coast. The Villarreals are awesome, down to earth, people. Here are some highlights from our time together.
the long way home
Who moves from Texas, to California, to Denver in less than a year? Crazy people. And who does this sort of insanity with kids? Ya, no one sane, I can tell you that.
We gave up a very solid life in Austin to take a 6 month sabbatical ,at our family cabin, in the redwoods of California. It would be a time to slow down, learn some new things, and connect as a family. It sounds incredibly romantic, I know. And parts of it were, I'm not going to lie. But, it was also a huge risk, and very challenging at times. This kind of change expands you, and forces you to grow, and see things differently. It brings a whole lot of freedom and a huge amount of uncomfortability. I still having a lot of feelings about it all. Some depression, and a feeling of unease, with this new chapter in our lives. But, also a feeling of accomplishment and bravery. I know my kids will look back on this grand adventure with fondness. I mean, I frigg'n hope so!
So, here we are, with a new job, in a new state. Starting over, once again...